Rehabilitative Audiology

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Introduction to Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation (2009)

Rehabilitation of hearing and speech represents a theory that needs to be confirmed, and also the practice, also a process which is in continuous progress. It is simultaneously a science (research activity), the profession, school subject, issue, principle and method. Continuously be upgraded, and the search for new knowledge. Deaf and severely hearing-impaired people are often deprived from birth hearing and listening skills, and thus the ability to successfully speaking, standard, oral-vocal speech, language or hearing. In the absence of hearing, their psychological structure has been changed, so methods of learning that are used to hearing children, for them have no or have very small use. Therefore, the rehabilitation theory and practice need to seek for new methods, programming models, test materials, and researching the effectiveness of these methods in teaching speech and language skills of hearing impaired population. In this book, besides the general scientific, theoretical and practical regularity, related to the subject of Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation, are described the anatomical and physiological basis of auditory organs, and organs to speak, and the essential characteristics of the hearing impairment, ways of communications, education and rehabilitation in relation to general characteristics of hearing impaired persons. It describes the communication of the deaf and hard of hearing as a determinant of rehabilitation, rehabilitation of hearing as a determinant of learning speech and language, speech and language as a determinant of communication and speech-language education as a determinant of rehabilitation. The importance of programming in the rehabilitation of hearing and speech is highlighted, and new, paradigmatic-pragmatic methods in speech-language rehabilitation of the deaf and severely hard of hearing people is described. From a scientific point of view, programming of dynamic rehabilitation content, has or may have a direct scientific contribution to the psychological development of deaf and severely hearing-impaired population. By development of deaf person, the possibility of regulating the relation between a deaf person-society and vice versa is opened. The results of research of the use of programmed dynamic content in rehabilitation showed a significant movement to improve linguistic competence and quality in the communication of the deaf and severely hard of hearing people with hearing world. Dynamic methodological approaches in speech-language education of deaf and hearing-impaired children, it provides easier learning of all elements of speech and language, primarily phonology and morphology, and semantics, syntax, grammar and language of the hearing community


Introduction to rehabilitative audiology (2010)

The book Introduction to Audiology Rehabilitation; provides an opportunity for the adoption of basic knowledge about a wide operation in the field that articulates the work with persons with hearing impairment. It is essential for students of Education and Rehabilitation Faculty, speech and audio therapists but the book can be a guide for experts of other orientations, who have certain kinds of contact with persons with hearing impairment (doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.), and can serve as a reminder for professionals in practice. It can also serve as a manual for parents who have children with hearing impairment, to help understand the situation in which to find their child, and thus access to finding ways to adjust both the child and the entire family to that state.
The book is written in eight chapters.
The first chapter explains the subject of professional discipline and its effects; The second chapter articulates the anatomy and physiology of hearing organs, which is described in a simple and non-medical manner; The third chapter describes the hearing impairment and their consequences; The fourth chapter focuses on basic diagnostic procedures, which is divided into two parts, in which, in the first part, the states of hearing, listening, speech, language and other forms of communication are mentioned, and in second part there are estimates of the basic psychological characteristics; The fifth chapter describes the hearing aids and their application; The sixth chapter explains the speech and language as a means of communication that is preferred in the rehabilitation and linguistic regularity that rule while working with hearing-impaired population; The seventh chapter describes a treatment, and the eighth chapter the importance of the family of a child with hearing difficulties, and explains its role in rehabilitation and socialization.


bilingual glossary (2011)

The problem of deafness and its effects on communication exists throughout the history of mankind until today, when going expansion of technological development. New technologies in the development of hearing aids in recent decades, have significantly contributed to better hearing-verbal communication of deaf people, and therefore more successful learning and socialization. However, it is still deaf children in the adoption of concepts predominantly rely on visual perception, making rehabilitation of hearing and speech occupies a central role in learning. For successful rehabilitation and education, deaf children need adequate professional support, through a very complex, diverse and programmed treatments, and teaching-didactic materials. Experts in practice, making great efforts to make these children passed the basic concepts related to practical situations in everyday life. Therefore, for this population of children is essential methodology of teaching. Bilingual glossary, as well as support for the visual approach to learning is the original teaching tool, which is the conceptualization svojojoj didactic practicum. Practicum provides obvious and intellectually more active way of learning concepts, and can serve as a didactic-teaching aid in speech training, a final verbal testimony and speech production of deaf children. Bilingual dictionary is a glossary of selected terms Bosnian and sign language, presented drawings of the language movement and associative drawings for a better understanding of the concepts written in Bosnian and English. This way of learning to maximize the semantics, improves linguistic competency deaf students, which has an excellent glossary of methodological value in meeting the complex demands of educational audiology. Practicum provides an opportunity to connect reading and writing with comprehension in children who can not remember hearing the term read. The glossary is primarily intended for deaf children, and may serve a rehabilitative and educational audiologists, speech therapists, and parents or guardians of deaf children, in order to better understand the cognitive problems of deaf children, and thus access to finding ways to adapt the child and the family of a different form of learning.

Dictionary for the Deaf (2002)

Book Dictionary for the Deaf is written by the Latin alphabet words, which has been translated with the help of gesture speech, mime, image stimuli and programmed finger alphabet by Professor dr. Husnija Hasanbegovic


religious basics of Islam for the Deaf (2005)

One of the fundamental human rights is education and to manifest her belief in God. Due to lack of custom literature, educators and technical aids in the educational system, custom books, TV shows, etc., deaf person is prevented from good contact with the faith. In order to partially remove such barriers, this book is written in hand alphabet and represents an important contribution in bringing the basics of Islam principles to this part of the population. In the introductory part of the book authors noted the importance of the Islamic faith of those (men, women and children) who have believed. The book guides the reader how to meet the Creator Allah and how to work and behave, so Allah be pleased with him. The Islam belief for people who cannot hear, describes the three types of regulations:
- Regulations of Islamic beliefs (Arabic AKAID)
- Regulations of religious practices (Arabic IBADET)
- Regulations of Islamic behavior (Arabic AHLAK)
By living with these regulations, these people can be Muslims.

religious basics of Islam for the Blind (2006)

Islam is a religion which Allah, through the Prophet Muhammad published in a book, the Quran to mankind, which is the last Divine Book. Man was created as a rational social being by the will of Allah. He has given him spiritual component-spirituality. In the field of rehabilitation science, experts in their treatments should take care about dimensions of human existence, to stimulate them and develope. It is known that sensory impairment at children and adults, causes very harmful effect on the bio-psycho-social structure of these individuals, but it is not known whether and how those effect on their spirituality. Some sporadic causes indicate that people in mature years, suffer some damage, strengthen their spirituality and belief. It is clear also that the individual blind and deaf-blind persons in the circles of their families, either intentionally or spontaneously includes in different models of religious education, but because of their sensory reduction they are not able to fully complete knowledge.