Professor Husnija Hasanbegovic PhD
University of Tuzla. Department for Education and rehabilitation
Univerzitetska 1. 7500 Tuzla. Bosnia and Herzegovina
+38761 739 089
Honorary Editor
Professor Peter V. Paul, PhD
The Ohio State University. Department of Educational Studies
305 Annie & John Glenn Avenue PAES Building, Room 354
Columbus, OH 43210, Washington, USA
Executive Editor
Dr. Esad Mahmutovic (Institute for Human Rehabilitation, B&H)
Manager for international cooperation
Mirza Celikovic (Institute for Human Rehabilitation, B&H)
Editorial Board
Dr. Marc Marschark (Center for Education Research Partnerships, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Dr. Peter V. Paul (Department of Educational Studies The Ohio State University, USA)
Dr. Marian Patricia Bea Usero Francisco (De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, USA)
Dr. Claudia M. Pagliaro (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA)
Dr. Hariz Halilovic (University Monash Melbourne, Australija)
Dr. Ahmet Kasumovic (Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, B&H)
Dr. Kevin Miller (Nebraska University, USA)
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mahendran (Veltech Multitech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India)
Dr. Hisae Miyauchi (Faculty of Human Sciences, Division of Disability Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski (University SS. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Macedonia)
Dr. Suada A. Dzogovic (University “Haxhi Zeka”, Kosovo)
Dr. David Pettigrew (Southern Connecticut State University, USA)
Dr. Peter Phipps (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
Dr. Suad Kunosic (University of Tuzla, B&H)
Dr. Jasmina Kovacevic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Dr. Sandra Bradaric Joncic (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Dr. Luka Bonetti (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Dr. Zora Jacova (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia)
Dr. Radoslav Pusic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Dr. Goran Nedovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Dr. Mirela Duranovic (University of Tuzla, Department of speech pathology and audiology, B&H)
Dr. Elmedin Bajric (University of Sarajevo, B&H)
Dr. Armin Krzalic (Safety Studies Center Sarajevo, B&H)
Dr. Asim Jusic (Attorney at Law, B&H)
Dr. Elvis Vardo (Department of psychology, University of Tuzla, B&H)
Dr. Benjamin Kulovac (Faculty of medicine, University of Sarajevo, B&H)
Dr. Aldijana Avdic (University of Tuzla, Department of Biology, B&H)
Dr. Goran Aksamija (Faculty of medicine, University of Sarajevo, B&H)
Dr. Fadil Imsirovic (Menthal Health Center Gradacac, B&H)
Dr. Sekib Umihanic (ENT Clinic, UCC Tuzla, B&H)
Dr. Hamid Mutapcic (University of Tuzla, Department at Law, B&H)
Dr. Ionel BOSTAN (Ștefan cel Mare University, Romania)
Dr. Arafat Shabani (Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Communications South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Dr. Samir Delibegovic (Department of Surgery, University Clinic Center Tuzla, B&H)
Dr. Lidija Ristovska (City General Hospital “8th September”, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Division of Audiology, Macedonia)
Dr. Dragan Rapaic (University of Belgrade, Department of Special Education)
Editorial board is comprised of prominent experts in the fields of science that belong to the scope of the journal. Editorial board members are elected for a period of four years with the possibility of reelection. New members can be added either by invitation or application and selection is conducted by editorial committee.