Notes to Contributors

Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper to HRR. We welcome manuscripts covering the full range of the journal’s remit from any locality. Please read the notes below and journal policies so that the submission process will be smooth. All submissions should be prepared according to the notes bellow and then submitted online. This applies to all manuscript types. Guidance for particular types of submissions (articles, debates, etc.) is available from how to publish page.

Manuscripts will be considered for HRR only if they have not already been published, and are not currently under consideration for publication, elsewhere. Manuscripts should not contain substantial elements of material published or accepted for publication elsewhere. If a material in an article has an ISBN or ISSN number it is considered to have been published, regardless of where it has been published.

Manuscripts previously rejected by the journal should not be resubmitted. In the case of empirical articles, authors should include sufficient details of their method to permit readers of the article to make informed judgments about the quality of the research. Therefore, articles should usually, as a minimum, give adequate description of sampling, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

In order to protect the identity of participants in research, authors should use pseudonyms and remove any information leading to identification of any of the individuals described in the study.

Preparing your files

All submissions to must include a manuscript word file and a cover sheet. Guidance for particular types of submissions is available from how to publish page.

Cover sheet preparation:

Cover sheet that accompanies your manuscript at the time of submission should include:

  • Article title;
  • For each author: name and work place or institution (affiliation). Please keep your contact details in manuscripts up to date. These are the details we will use to send you news about your manuscript.

Manuscript preparation:

Submission process requires word files. No PDFs will be accepted. All submissions should be double spaced, any single space files which are submitted may be returned.

Please present your manuscript in the following order: Title, Subtitle, Abstract (150 words max.), Keywords (3-10, alphabetical), Body text, Endnotes, References, Tables and Figures.

Length word limits:

  • Articles 7000 words,
  • Debates and Controversies 4000 words,
  • Research Notes 5000 words,
  • Review essays 2000 words,
  • Joint reviews 1500 words,
  • Single reviews 600 words

Please note that submissions exceeding the prescribed lengths will be automatically returned to you for correction. This can cause severe delays to the processing of your manuscript. This word limit is not negotiable.


Please put all tables/figures/drawings/etc at the end of your document. Flag their correct position in the body text using “TABLE 1 here”. Each table requires a short, descriptive title, and column headings should clearly define the data presented. If necessary, suitably identified footnotes should be included below. Take care to include all units of measurement and ensure that all tables are cited in the main text. Use solid black and white and cross-hatching only, as computer generated tints do not reproduce well. Line drawings and photographs should be supplied as EPS files (all fonts embedded) or TIFF files, 800dpi – b/w only. Please note that authors are required to gain permission to reproduce any images not of their own creation.


Along with the original article, please send your anonymous one as well. To anonymize your paper, please remove all details that may disclose your identity, by doing the following:

  • Remove all occurrences of author name(s) and institution(s);
  • Remove acknowledgements and funding information;
  • Remove author biographies;
  • Replace author references in text by referring to yourselves as ‘Author A’, ‘Author B’;
  • Delete author references in bibliography and remember to close up the space. Please note, this includes chapters in books edited by a contributing author.

Journal uses double blind peer review. Anonymization is used to protect authors and reviewers, and to ensure that submissions are judged on their merits.

Additional appendices

In the case of quantitative articles, it is usually desirable for the results reported in the main article to be closely focused on advancing the argument of the paper, with additional results reported in a technical appendix published on the journal website. If the following information is not included in the main article, it should be included in a technical appendix submitted alongside the article:

  • Descriptive statistics for all variables used in the analysis
  • Correlation matrices for all variables used in regression type analyses
  • Full results of any data reduction analyses (factor analysis)
  • Full results of all regression type analysis (if only the key results are reported in the article)
  • Results of additional sensitivity analyses.

Please note, quantitative appendices are not included in the word count limit of 7000 words.


Use APA 7th edition. References in the text should be presented in the Harvard system. Use endnotes, not footnotes. The reference list should be in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, after the endnotes, but before tables/figures. Lengthy quotations (over 20 words) should be displayed and indented in the text. Please use single quotation marks (double within).

Language, Terminology and Grammar

Jargon or unnecessary technical language should be avoided, as should the use of abbreviations. Abbreviations should be used only if terms are in common use. Please provide a list in the appendices section of your manuscript. When first mentioned in the text, spell them out with the abbreviation in brackets. Language that might be deemed sexist or racist must not be used. Please ensure that you observe the Ethical and Authorship guidelines.

About Style

Word “Article” should be used instead of “paper”. The review section, introduction and conclusion of articles should be written in the present tense and all reported data should be written in the past tense. Instances of “I” and “we” should be eliminated except where germane (Field notes and quotations). “Whilst” and “amongst” should be eliminated in favor of “while” and “among”. Sentences should not start with coordinating conjunctions (i.e. and, but). Contractions (don’t, won’t, shouldn’t) should be eliminated unless they are part of reported speech.

Author affiliation

Authors working in academia should provide their name and institution. Authors working outside academia should use one of the options below:

  • Independent researcher
  • Freelance researcher


If accepted for publication and allocated to a specific issue of the journal, the corresponding author will receive, in due course, a PDF of the page proofs for checking. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to circulate the proofs to co-authors if required.