“HUMAN” Journal publishes research papers, notes and review articles concerning all aspects of the sciences studying human actions and interactions.
Scope and policy
The Journal Human is the journal for interdisciplinary studies that publishes research papers of faster rehabilitation of single human being and society entirely. The articles in Journal Human aim to find the best ways, procedures and algorithms for solving many social and individual problems in Bosnia, region and entire world by including them in practice of everyday life on the basis of forgotten and neglected human principles of life. Journal also publishes research notes and reports from expeditions, book reviews, and other materials of interest to the members of the editorial board.
Submission of manuscripts
Papers submitted to Journal should report original and unpublished work which is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Each paper is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. After acceptance, we request a copy of the final manuscript to be submitted via the E-mail. Accepted language is English.